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Old Cameras

virtual platform; I will share everything secondlife related such as; Backdrops, Decor, Mods, and other random items, feel free to message me about anything you see on my blogs if not listed.

Second Life Pricing


My Secondlife 

Violent By Design (mybelovedmonstress)


Nsfw Photoshoot

Solo - 800L

Couple - 1000L

Threesome or more - 2000L to 4000k (depending on how many bodies I have to pose so price may be more)

I well anypose all poses and edit photos myself.


SFW Photoshoot

Solo - 600L

Couple - 800L

Group Photos - 1000L to 2000L (depending on how many bodies I have to pose)

if I have to buy props and backdrop price well adjust to cover the fees 


Work Desk
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